Mayflower Marina
Marina Office01752 556633
Marina Mobile (outside office hours)07840 116853
Emergency Services999
HM Coastguard (Falmouth)01326 317575
Longroom Port Control (24 hours)01752 836490
Local Police101
Tourist Information01752 306330
National Rail Enquiries0345 748 4950
Brittany Ferries0330 159 7000
Cremyll Ferry01752 822105
Exeter Airport01392 367433
National Express0371 781 8181
HM Customs & Border Force
HM Customs Yacht Line0300 200 3700
HM Customs Confidential Hotline0800 595 000
Border Force (Plymouth Office)01752 689200
NHS Health Enquiries111
Cumberland Centre (minor injuries)01752 434400
Derriford Hospital01752 202082

Tenant numbers

Horizon’s (Plymouth) Children’s Sailing Charity

Network Yacht Brokers, Yacht Broker

The Chandlery

Universal Maritime, International Yacht Delivery

PR Systems Marine Electronics

Ullman Sails, Sailmakers, Sail Repairs and Valeting

Eurospars Riggers and Mast Manufacturers

RB Shipwrighting

Jolly Jacks, Café, Bar & Restaurant